24/7 Pregnancy Line: 260-255-4164 (call or text)

Kim Blanchard: Adoption Supervisor


Get to Know Kim

At Gateway Woods, my position is the adoption supervisor at the Indiana office. The world of adoption is a mixed bag of emotions for everyone involved, as you cannot separate the grief, loss and hardship from the beauty, satisfaction or relief. I know that the adoptive parents often struggle with deep grief from infertility struggles or crippling anxiety over the unknowns throughout the adoption process. I know that expectant mothers and birth mothers often struggle with doubt, grief, lack of support, stressful pregnancies, confusion on what is best for their child and best for them, and heartache as they often want to parent their child but are unsure if they are able. They hold the heavy weight of the decision they sometimes make when choosing an adoptive family for their child. 

Burdens of Life

I see myself now as a burden-bearer. It’s the thread that God has laced through my life in every job and ministry I have been a part of. Since college graduation 16 years ago, I have consistently had the opportunity to meet with people who are hurting, and I have seen more broken hearts and broken families than I ever imagined I would know. I, too, have been in their shoes, in places in my life where I desperately needed someone to help walk alongside me, to provide clarity, guidance, support, prayer, maybe a listening ear or a cup of coffee, or just to sit with me and say nothing at all. Those mentors taught me how to thrive in the chaos that is this life, to see beauty and joy co-mingle with pain and loss. I have three beautiful children that have taught me that parenting is actually super hard and not for the faint of heart.  


God's Love

I am reminded of Psalms 147:3 that says “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” I am convinced that God is able to heal any heartache and bring peace to any struggle we are going through. And I am so thankful for the ministry at Gateway Woods, which allows my team to not only help in tangible ways like through writing home studies or providing community resources, but that we can also share about the love and provision of God. That He is truly the ultimate burden-bearer, and His door is open to everyone that wants to come to Him.    

Good Guides

My hope is that our team here at Gateway Woods walks through this journey with both the adoptive parents and the expectant mothers showing respect, compassion, professionalism, kindness, and grace. I hope that we can be burden-bearers for you in whatever reason brings you to our agency, to empower you to make the right decision for you and your family in a way that helps you see Jesus in a new and even better light. May you find healing and the peace that only Jesus Christ can fully provide. May you find hope and be strengthened to walk out the plan that God has for your life. May we be good guides for you, so that you eventually feel able to reach out to bless and guide others. 

Let’s Connect


Indiana Office: 260.376.1723

Illinois Office: 309.266.0767
