24/7 Pregnancy Line: 260-255-4164 (call or text)

Kiera: Indiana Adoption Program Manager



My name is Kiera, and I am the adoption program manager at the Indiana office. I am also an adoptive mother to a 14-year-old boy and a licensed foster parent. I have spent most my career working with children who struggle with their mental health. Having worked with a variety of children has helped prepare me for being an adoptive and foster parent. It allows me to assist families in coming up with new ideas/approaches to try when they experience challenges with their children. My heart for adoption is that children are placed in loving, safe, and committed families.




Adoption, while a blessing, brings many feelings and challenges. If possible and safe for the child, we encourage open adoptions. There are many benefits to open adoptions, but one is that the child has the opportunity to see where they came from. That is a question many adopted children have as they grow. As you work through the adoption process, you will face decisions like this and many more. Our team is here to help you sort through the decision and answer questions you may have along the way.

Adoption is beautiful, but also comes with pain. God’s love, peace, and guidance can help us work through any challenge that comes our way. Part of our mission at Gateway Woods is to provide hope and healing to children and families. There is hope in healing in adoption and in overcoming the challenges along the way. I am blessed to be serving in this capacity of the ministry.

Let’s Connect


Indiana Office: 260.376.1723

Illinois Office: 309.266.0767
