Tim & Charity
Tim and Charity have been married for 5 years and have no children
About Tim
AGE: 31
EDUCATION: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
OCCUPATION: Software Engineer
INTERESTS: Tim enjoys reading, board games, video games, renaisasance fairs, and anime
About Charity
AGE: 31
EDUCATION: High School Diploma and some college
OCCUPATION: Customer Service Representative
INTERESTS: Charity enjoys gardening, music and singing, board games, video games, and cats
Expectant Moms
Dear Expectant Parents.
Charity and I (Tim) knew very early in our relationship that we shared the desire to have children, and that adoption was a possibility for us from the start. We began pursuing the growth of our family very shortly after our wedding, and after grieving two stillbirths and a misscarriage in just four years, we have decided to pursue adoption as our sole means for growing our family. We know that parenthood is something that we both still long for.
We both come from Christian homes and homeschool educations, both of which are values we want to continue in our own family. I have always enjoyed the STEM fields, so I continued on to college before obtaining my current software engineering job, while Charity decided that college wasn’t for her and pursued a variety of jobs in retail. We both enjoy family time and love playing with our nephews and our new niece.
We promise to honor you and your story and to love, protect, and nurture your child with our whole hearts. Your child will always know that you love them and that their strong mother desires the best for them. Please know that you are in our hearts and prayers.
With love,
Tim & Charity
24/7 Pregnancy Line: +1 260-376-1723 (call or text)
You don’t have to do this alone.
As an expecting mom, you don’t have to do this alone. We will meet you where you are and walk alongside as you consider your path. Having over 20 years of experience in adoption, we understand the unique challenges you are facing.