24/7 Pregnancy Line: 260-255-4164 (call or text)

Matt and Elisa


  Matt & Elisa

    Matt and Elisa have been married for 7 years.

About Matt

AGE: 30

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Life-Science Education

OCCUPATION: 8th Grade Science Teacher

INTERESTS: Matt enjoys making mead (honey wine), smoking meats, cooking, board games, going on dates with Elisa, time with friends and family, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

About Elisa

AGE: 29

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Communication

OCCUPATION: Fundraising Executive Director for nonprofit organization

INTERESTS: Elisa enjoys reading (Jane Austen is her favorite author), theater, music, sewing, nature, animals (especially dogs), organizing, and hanging out with friends and family.

Expectant Moms

Dear Expectant Moms,

You have been in our thoughts and prayers throughout our adoption journey. We know that adoption is your decision to make, and we cannot fully understand the emotional weight you are carrying. You are not alone and you are loved. Adoption has always been our dream since we started dating 10+ years ago. While we have no children at this time, we have always desired to be parents and are excited for the gift of adoption to be the next step on our journey! We both have extended family and friends who were adopted and we attend church with many adoptive families. We feel extremely blessed to have family, friends, and a church community giving us encouragement, prayer, and financial support as we prepare to welcome a child into our home. 

Matt is a middle school science teacher and I (Elisa) am a fundraising executive director at a college. Matt has summers off and my schedule is flexible, allowing me to work from home when needed. We value education and hope to encourage learning and curiosity in our home! We love and support each other unconditionally and have open communication and a shared faith in God. We're pretty nerdy too and are big Lord of the Rings and Star Wars fans. We enjoy brunch dates, walks with our dogs, and time with family and friends and are excited to include a child in these everyday adventures. We are excited to learn what your child's passions will be and encourage them to grow and explore along the way.  

Our promise to you is that we will honor your own story as best as we humanly can while also adding our own values, devotion, and community to your child's story. We would want your child to always know that at the start of their story was a strong, loving, and caring mother who wanted what was best for them.

Thank you for learning a little about us and we hope to get to know you too. 

-Matt & Elisa  

24/7 Pregnancy Line: +1 260-376-1723 (call or text)


You don’t have to do this alone.

As an expecting mom, you don’t have to do this alone. We will meet you where you are and walk alongside as you consider your path. Having over 20 years of experience in adoption, we understand the unique challenges you are facing.

Let’s Connect


Indiana Office: 260.376.1723

Illinois Office: 309.266.0767
